Armor, Armor Repair, and Armor Phys Reps

Characters wishing for the benefit of Armor Points to which they are entitled to by virtue of their Melee Skill Tiers must have some form of physical representation (also called a "phys rep") of that armor. However, the type (Physical vs. Non-Physical) of the Armor Points in question determines both the nature of the phys rep needed and the ways in which Armor Points can be restored once they are lost. Players may freely choose which type of armor a character uses during character creation.

Armor Points Phys Rep Required Method of Repair
1-2 (Physical) Clearly visible armor covering significant portions of at least two limbs OR clearly visible armor covering the torso 1 minute of Focus
1-2 (Non-Physical) A prominently displayed and 'obviously' magical or holy object at least 3" in at least two dimensions 1 minute of Focus
3-4 (Physical) Clearly visible armor covering the torso (and, preferred though not required, at least 2 limbs) Armor may be "patched" up to 2 points with 1 minute of Focus, a Smith is required to repair armor to more than 2 Points
3-4 (Non-Physical) A prominently displayed and 'obviously' magical or holy object at least 6" (and preferably 8") in at least two dimensions and no less than 1" in the third dimension Armor may be "patched" up to 2 points with 1 minute of Focus. For a full repair of all armor, you must take a Long Rest