
Alchemists seek to produce material change, both within themselves and in the outside world. To that end, they take a systematic approach to the use and combination of various substances in order to produce effects which border on the miraculous.

Be Part of the Solution


With 3s of Focus call "Imbue to Self by Alchemy." At the time of use, choose 1: You may make 3 Ranged Attacks for "1 Damage," OR with 3s of Focus you may Touchcast "Heal." Any unused iterations of this Skill are lost when you take a Short or Long Rest.

Acid What You Did There


You may make a Ranged Attack for "Agony"

Not the Face!


Swing a Melee combat prop in a 180 degree arc and call "Disengage"

It Comes in Pints?


With 3s of Focus, call "Imbue and Short Root to Self by Alchemy." So long as you remain Rooted you may make any number of consecutive Ranged Attacks for "1 Damage"

Good For What Ails You


With 1m of Focus, call "Imbue to Self by Alchemy." Three times, you may Touchcast "Heal 3." Any unused iterations of this Skill are lost when you take a Long Rest.

Alchemist Profession

Mandatory Fortes:

Acid (Offense), Potion (Defense)