
Also referred to as Elegists, Eulogists (given the state of the world), and occasionally Bards, Troubadours carry a great deal of history and news around in their heads. Using song, verse, and epic poetry, they reach into the hearts of those around them, offering hope, escape, or simple camaraderie in dark times. For a price, of course.



With 10s of Focus you may Touchcast "Refresh 1 Psyche"

The Crowd Loves a Winner (I Want to See Blood)


With 3s of Focus, you may Touchcast "Grant Melee Attack: 3 Damage"

Memories of Home


With 1m of Focus as a performance, you may call "By My Voice, Refresh 1 Psyche" at the volume at which you performed

A Health to the Company


With 3s of Focus you may call "By My Voice, Grant 2 Protection"

By the Firelight


With 1m of Focus as a performance, you may call "By My Voice, Refresh 1 Psyche" at the volume at which you performed

Troubadour Profession

Mandatory Fortes:

Inspiration (Offense), Fortune (Defense)