Hexenstein teaser: Qualities


Name CP Cost Twist Points Description
Brave 2 1 Once per Long Rest, when struck by an Effect with the Fear Trait you may call "Reduce to Agony"
Faith, Even in Darkness 1 2 Once per Event you may Touchcast "Heal 1 by Faith"
Glutton for Punishment 5 2 Once per Event, immediately after falling Unconscious you may spend 10s of Focus as though calling on your last reserves of strength to call "Heal 2 to Self"
Grandmother's Plate 4 1 So long as you are wearing a phys rep for Physical Armor, your Maximum Armor increases by +1. Remember that Physical Armor does not stack with Non-Physical Armor, and that you can never have more than a combined total of 10 points of Armor and Vitality.
Hale 4 1 Your Maximum Vitality increases by +1
Indomitable 2 2 Once per Long Rest, if you are conscious and you spend 1 minute of Rest to Refresh your Aether you may call "Heal 2 to Self"
Lucky Charm 4 2 Once per Event, when struck by a Melee or Ranged Attack you may call "Reduce to Slam"
Mental Fortitude 4 1 Your Maximum Psyche increases by +1
Nochian Sign 3 2 So long as you are wearing a phys rep for Non-Physical Armor, your Maximum Armor increases by +1. Remember that Non-Physical Armor does not stack with Physical Armor, and that you can never have more than a combined total of 10 points of Armor and Vitality.
Not Like This 2 1 Once per Event you may call "Stabilize to Self" even if Unconscious
Strange Inheritance 4 2 You have inherited an... interesting... item. Choose one of the following benefits. The benefit is attached to a physical weapon or item (which can, in theory, be lost or stolen) and can be used each Event a number of times equal to your Maximum Void.
  1. "Resist" a Destroy Effect that hits the item / weapon
  2. Add +2 to an Attack for Called Damage equal to or greater than 2
  3. Refresh a single point of Aether, Flux, or Pattern (No more than once per Calendar Day)
  4. You may Focus on this object as a keepsake while taking a Short or Long Rest and call "Refresh 1 Psyche to Self"
Total Recall 2 2 After an Event, as part of your Post Event Letter (or "PEL") you may descibe a scene with NPC / Staff generated content that you personally witnessed and ask a clarifying question such as "What was the name they said?" or "What were the contents of the letter we read?" Note: this is NOT an "Information Skill" in the traditional sense, this is only meant to help with remembering specific things you experienced
Well Connected 4 2 You have an additional income of 10 Cachet per event (The baseline Cachet accrual for PCs is 10 per Event)
Will to Live 2 1 For the first 30 seconds you are Unstable you may desperately call for help at a conversational volume


Name CP Bonus Twist Points Description
Coward 2 1 When hit by an Attack with the Fear Trait, call "Increased." You take an Agony in addition to the triggering Effect
Familial Curse 3 2 Choose one of the following Traits: Brine, Curse, Darkness, Poison, Rending, Scourging. When struck by an Effect with that Trait, call "Increased." You take 1 point of Damage in addition to the triggering Effect, and if the Effect was "Short" take it at normal duration (unless it is an Agony, in which case the Short remains)
Glass Jaw 4 1 When hit by an Attack that includes Agony, call "Increased." You take a Short Stun in addition to the triggering Effect
Fragile 4 1 Your Maximum Psyche is reduced by -1. Note: Characters with a Maximum Psyche of 0 are not playable
Frail 4 1 Your Maximum Vitality is reduced by -1. Note: Characters with a Maximum Vitality of 0 are not playable.
Sickly 4 2 Whenever you take an Effect with the Miasma, Disease, or Plague Traits you must call "Increased." You take a Short Drain in addition to the triggering Effect
Tainted Bloodline 2 3 At some point in the past, your bloodline was exposed to contamination by a supernatural force in some fashion. Choose one of the following Traits (the type of force responsible is listed parenthetically): Bestial (Beasts / Werewolves), Haunted (Spectral Undead), Shadowed (A Cult to a Forbidden God), Bound (Demons), Restless (Corporeal Undead / Vampires)
Trick Knee 2 1 You are under a perpetual Slow Effect.


Name CP Cost Twist Points Description
Berserker - 2 When struck by a Frenzy effect, add a "Short Grant 3 Protection." This protection is lost when the Frenzy ends.
Born Under a Strange Sky - 2 Roll on a chart before every event for strange effect
Dreamer - 3 Access to Dreams
We Happy Few - - Requires Previously serving as Staff or Core NPC at a Darksteel Game